NW Ekklesia Monthly Subscription Materials

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  • NW Ekklesia Monthly Subscription Materials

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month




NWE Subscription

41 Lessons

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Monthly subscription

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  • Participate in the Monday night fellowship
  • Join roundtable discussions
  • Subscriber only teachings
  • Subscriber only mini-classes
  • Access to materials while subscription is active
  • All materials stored in one place for easy access

Already a Subscriber?

  • Scroll down to "Start Course"
  • Click on "Start Course"
  • You'll be redirected to the sign-up/login page
  • Click on the light blue "login" button below the form
  • Enter email and password to login
  • You'll then be redirected back to the Module 1 page


The NW Ekklesia subscription is a way to connect with others on what we call the "kingdom journey." It's all about stepping into greater intimacy with the Trinity through the "ascension" process of "coming up here" as described in Revelation 4:1. We believe that fellowship is important - both in person and online. 

Your subscription allows you access to a "subscribers only" section of the website where you have more in-depth materials available to you. The subscription is presented in a "course" format for easier access to the materials all in one place. As more content is added, come back here to access new modules. Materials are not downloadable and are only available when you sign in. 

What you get...

  • Participation with the Monday night fellowship from 6:30 to 8:30 PM Pacific Time. New groups are started every 4 to 6 weeks and are kept to no more than 10 participants. Email info@nwekklesia.com if you'd like to participate.
  • More in-depth teachings for those desiring to know about the deeper mysteries of God. Your subscription allows you access to these teachings by those within NW Ekklesia. They are listed within various modules in the subscription. 
  • At times, we have roundtable discussions within the Ekklesia. These videos will be posted in their own module. 
  • There are special mini-classes available for our subscribers. All new materials are added as additional modules (topics) within the "course" of the NWE Subscription. 

Special Note!

The subscription modules may include those that are "in process." As we decide what materials to add to the subscription, modules and topic titles are listed so you can see what's coming in the future. Materials are not downloadable and are only available within the subscription. When you sign in, be sure to check and see which modules have more added materials. 

NW Ekklesia Monthly Subscription Materials

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

With a sanctified imagination, we can "come up here" as described in Revelation 4:1 as an essential part of our kingdom journey.

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Familiar spirits wreak havoc on our ability to move forward, if we listen to them. Learn how to move beyond opposition that can hold you back in the maturity process.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

From the garden of our heart, we step into an intimate place with the Trinity where we learn how to function as a Son of God.

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

As we're yoked with Christ and learn to be "in him," we become more like him.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. This lesson focuses on our "outer court."

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. This lesson focuses on our "inner court."

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. This lesson focuses on our "holy of holies."

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Your personal mountain is in your heart garden. From this position, we rule and reign over our lives.

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

There are four chambers to the heart. The dance floor is where we learn to "be in step" with the Trinity while learning to conduct our lives from our "in him" position.

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

The room of preparation and the intimate place are the two remaining chambers of the heart. In this lesson, we learn more about how to foster and live out of a deeper relationship with the Trinity.

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

The mobile court is where we go to deal with the personal accusations against us. It's a cleansing place that frees us from the things we heap on ourselves as well as what others aim our direction.

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

The seven spirits of God tutor us in our position as Sons of God. In this lesson, we learn what each does for us and how to connect with them on our journey into Sonship.

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Scrolls are mandates and instructions. Not only do we have one "life scroll," but we also have scrolls for various pieces within our lives.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

The Cloud of Witnesses are those who've gone before us that continue to cheer us on to victory! We can learn from them as they assist us on our kingdom journey.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Everything comes from the heart first - our first love gate where everything else flows to all other places.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

From this energy center, marinate in God's favor with gentleness and devotion. Here, we learn about the giver portion of our being.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this energy center, we learn to understand our authority from a position of mercy and truth. We learn to understand the ruler portion of our being.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this energy center, we understand our position of authority in Christ through rest and peace. We learn to walk in the mercy portion of our being.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this energy center, we understand our creative authority through goodness and joy. We learn to function in the prophetic portion of our being.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this energy center, we understand that Christ is our friend through revelation and wisdom. We learn to function in the servant portion of our being.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this energy center, Christ is our mentor where we learn about his strength and unity. We learn to function in the teacher portion of our being.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

This lesson introduces you to the concept of a kingdom shift.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this lesson, we learn about Del's encounter in an ancient document room in heaven and how that led to revelation into what you'll read in this book.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

When we function through the "in him" principle, we walk in our full identity. In this lesson, we learn how the earth responds to how we see ourselves.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

There have been many great awakenings in history. Learn what they are, how to recognize them, and use what we learn from the past to launch us into the future.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

This is a history lesson so we begin to see the patterns of what builds our society. Will we learn from previous patterns or will choose to repeat our mistakes?

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this lesson, we learn about a 26,000 year cycle where consistent patterns are obvious through historical over thousands of years. Learn how this can lead us into the next global reset as we step into Sonship with the Trinity.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this lesson, we learn how to prepare for a personal great awakening so we're in a place that we're receptive for the new things that God has for us. Will we choose to move forward into the new or step back into the past season because it's more comfortable?

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this lesson, we go through a few of the stories from the book where Del learned how to walk through a great awakening in her own life. There are activations to assist you through your own personal great awakening!

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

This is the final lesson in the book where we continue with more examples from Del. More activations are included to assist you through your own personal great awakening!

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Grades 1 - 2 are all about becoming a Christ-follower and how we walk through this "elementary" stage of understanding the beginning stages of sonship.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Kingdom Grades 3 - 6 involve dealing with the things in our lives that hold us back while continually stepping into further maturity as a Son of God.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

As Sons of God, we walk through times where we feel like a fish out of water. It's during our "middle school" years in kingdom maturity that we transition from a "Christ-follower" to "Christ-companion."

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Kingdom College is where we learn to function in the "come-up-here" principle of ascension. It often requires that we let go of previous religious teaching that tells us we can't go to heaven before we die. We learn about real-time relationship with the Trinity at this level.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

A kingdom master's program is where the Sons of God apprentice in God's business, "God and Sons." A doctoral program is where we become co-creators with the Trinity, learning when we're ready to step into our full authority.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Although this lesson is discussed in other sections of the subscription, we go through it again here where you gain a deeper understanding of the ascension process and why it helps in our every day lives.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

In this lesson, we go through several examples from the book. This allows you to take what you've learned and apply the concepts in your own life.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

We continue with more examples from the book and provide additional activations for you to personalize the concepts spoken about in the book.

Video lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Roundtable discussion videos are posted here!

Text lesson

Monthly Subscription - $9.99 per month

Lesson by Sue Beckman

Video lesson


About the teacher


Contributors to the monthly subscription are on the NW Ekklesia Council. Check the About page for more information on this "governmental" group within the Ekklesia. 

5 Replies to “”

  1. Howdy NW Ekklesia … Kathy Bitton here …. I live in Eastern Idaho so feel a part of the NW ….
    I would like to join your Monday evening fellowship even this evening if that is possible …
    I just paid the subscription fee … I was going to join a few weeks ago, but my credit card had been compromised … so I have had to wait till the new one arrived !!! It’s always something !!!
    I have been pursuing Father in HIS Kingdom with Mike Parsons for the last 6 to 7 years or so & am active in ascension with several groups … but am ready to expand my tent pegs … as it were … so would like to get acquainted further with you ladies in the NW … Thanks KB
    Note: please send to the sonkorkee@gmail.com email … my paypal email is different but I don’t use it as often … thanks …

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