When Life Throws You Lemons

The phrase “when life throws lemons” seems to pretty well spell out the “sour” parts of life that are often not pleasant. How do we deal with those? Do we even NEED to deal with them? These are two of the most asked questions I hear when it comes to life circumstances and how to handle them.

One thing I’ve learned over the past umpteen years of my life is that life happens – the good, the bad, and the ugly. We live in a world where it’s “all about me” and what’s best for me. When we have that attitude, it’s pretty difficult to see beyond ourselves. Unfortunately, society seems to be training us to become self-focused. Yes, some of that is good but there is an overboard to everything. Too much of a good thing perhaps? It’s the pendulum swing that hits both extremes. So, how do we find the balance point?

On my journey into wholeness, I’ve had many opportunities to look at life circumstances in a new light. I share some of my own journey in the video titled “Embracing Trials” at The Gathering conference for NW Ekklesia in the summer of 2019. I encourage you to watch it so you have an idea of how I view it when life throws lemons my direction. Here’s the deal…. various religious organizations treat the subject of trials in a variety of manners. The most popular version of that is “Well, it’s God’s will for me to go through this.” Uh, really!? I’m not sure where that teaching came from but how can a loving God purposefully force trials on us? Would you do that to your own children? Of course not! The best “teacher” in getting through life allows us to learn from the “school of hard knocks.”

The other popular belief is at the opposite end of the spectrum. It’s the attitude that we should never have to go through trials. We then spout off a “command and demand” wording. When we do have struggles, we think we’ve done something wrong. There is some truth to this belief because science does say that our thoughts and intents really do affect us. We should be careful with what comes out of our mouth. The Word also says that “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” It’s in Proverbs so have fun looking it up. Where people get it wrong in this belief is the idea that we should never have to deal with trials and tribulations. My question to those people is “How are you going to learn to deal with life if nothing ever goes wrong?” When we don’t experience hardships and then learn how to practice working through those hardships, we don’t mature. It’s like giving a kid everything they want growing up. Then, when they move out of the house, they don’t know how to handle any form of opposition that comes their way. Since I teach at the college level and have for over 30 years, I see this first-hand. I call it the “entitlement” attitude. When we feel entitled, we assume things will go as we expect. When we expect, we don’t honor those around us. And, when things don’t go as expected, entitled people don’t know how to handle it.

How then do we handle life when it throws lemons at us? I’ve been on a journey for several years now in learning to look at trials in a new light. At the same time, I’m also learning that Holy Spirit speaks to us, giving us a “heads up” at times, too. It’s those thoughts that flit by that we often ignore because they don’t make sense. I’ll use a recent example in how I actually paid attention to that “still small voice” coming from within. I recently purchased a new computer because the old one started having issues. I researched before deciding what to buy. I looked at consumer reports, talked with computer geeks, and consulted those knowledgeable concerning computers. I finally settled on going directly to a computer company rather than a retailer. The salesman walked me through the options after I told him what I needed. At that point, we began to talk price and all the add-on options, one of which included a premium support plan. At first, I didn’t want to spend the extra money but something within said it was a good idea. I’ve never done it before but the thought of having technical assistance for a lengthy amount of time intrigued me, especially since I just moved to a small town where there’s limited resources.

Long story short… A Microsoft update fried a few things on the new computer after I’d had it only three months. Because I had the premium support plan, the company sent a technician TWICE to my house to replace the fried parts. Many days and hours later, my computer was fixed. Yes, it did hinder progress but I chose not to let it frustrate me. The day after everything was fixed, I was sitting in my heart garden having a discussion with Yahweh about it. He said to me “Do you remember when you felt the nudge to purchase the premium support?” I thought about that for a moment before He replied, “You listened to My voice… When you listen and then do, those things minimize the chaos of a situation.”

I learned something new from that conversation. When we spend time developing a relationship with the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), out of that relationship, we learn to function IN Christ which in turn infuses a frequency of entrainment with the Trinity from that relationship into how we live life on earth. How many times do things flit through our mind that are directly from the heart of the Father? We ignore them because they don’t make sense. And, we’ve not practiced hearing His voice. Those thoughts can prepare us for an upcoming situation if we pay attention. No, having computer issues wasn’t fun. However, I did rejoice because it didn’t cost me anything to get it fixed and I didn’t have to send the computer back. It was still operational in it’s fried state but on a limited level. So, I still got some work done. For me, this was a victory because I listened without the understanding of why I should do so. The more we practice doing this, the less life’s lemons have the potential of wreaking havoc on our lives.

As you watch the video of my presentation at The Gathering, you’ll get the opportunity to see how I walked through seven years of uncertainty about my living situation. I share times I messed up as well as those I got right. (Because the original video didn’t turn out, I re-recorded it once I got home. And, it allows you to see the entire PowerPoint presentation.) I’ll be honest, the years 2012 – 2019 were a bit tricky. I had no control over the eminent domain process. What I DID have control over was my attitude and response to the situation. I chose to make lemonade rather than eat sour lemons from this experience. I matured through it, learned to legislate from the heavenly realms, met territorial angels, understood more of what’s on my life’s scroll, and received a better home than what I previously lived in. I believe that had I chosen more negative responses, things would be different. I understood this was an opportunity to learn and grow in the midst of a circumstance. How I chose to do that was totally up to me, even when I didn’t have control of the outcome.


When life throws us lemons, it’s important to pick them up and ask Father, “What should I do with this?” This helps us put on the right attitude that in turn sets the wheels in motion for us to walk through the circumstance with honor. Life is simply going to stink at times. It’s HOW we deal with a situation that determines the level of peace we walk in during the circumstance. When we step into the heavenlies and partner with the Trinity, making our relationship with Them first and foremost, we create character building practice sessions. Without practice, we don’t mature. In order to mature, we get to go through trials. If we keep facing the same trials, that means we’ve not yet passed that test. That’s when I go before Yahweh seeking the truth, even when I may not want to see it. Ultimately, when I make the decision to deal with junk from my life, I get to be free of those things that hold me back.

Finally, as we develop that intimate relationship with the Trinity, we’re able to recognize that still small voice. If we give priority to building an intimate relationship with the Trinity, we learn to function from our true identity IN Christ. This is a perfect life opportunity to practice hearing the voice of Yahweh. But, it’s best done when our focus is on building relationship. It’s not about going before God and saying, “I need this from you today….” Everything else begins to fall in place OUT of that relationship. May you enjoy making lemonade out of life’s lemons!


© 2019 Del Hungerford

Living the “Ascended” Lifestyle

When I first started my journey into deeper intimacy with God, I had no idea it would take me into uncharted territory. When I say that, for years, I said the standard, “Father, come down here and meet with me” that I was taught in church. However, over time, I began to realize that if we’re the temple of the Holy Spirit and God is as close as the air we breathe, He’s already here. My problem? I wasn’t looking in the right places. In Revelation 4:1, why did God tell John to “Come up here” to talk with Him?

Image by Pixabay

Since God is as close as the air we breathe, and the Holy Spirit makes our body His temple, and we can “come up here” to meet God, then that’s what we should do. He’s in us, around us, and above us. It’s a matter of stepping into the realization of that fact. How do we do it? Well, for me, that was rather difficult figuring out. I asked questions for years about many things and people just didn’t have answers. Those questions continued to sit on a shelf until the first time I heard Ian Clayton. I had no clue what he was talking about but what he said witnessed with my spirit and… he was the first person who had answers to the questions I’d asked for years. A couple of years later, I started listening to Mike Parsons and others who mirrored what Ian said.

In a nutshell, I learned that as a Son of God (no male or female in Christ), I can live an “ascended lifestyle.” What exactly is that? I’ve coined the phrase “come up here principle” where my focus is on spending time with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit “up here.” I see things through the spirit rather than in the natural. John even says throughout scripture that he was “in the spirit.” If he could do it, so can we. We see in the spirit through our imagination. For the longest time, I didn’t know how to do that. I practiced and practiced and practiced daily seeing with my spiritual eyes. As with all things in life, the more you practice, the better you get at something. Seeing in the spirit isn’t a gift. It’s part of what we’re supposed to do as believers. For some, it comes very naturally. That wasn’t the case for me.

Image by Pixabay

Many of you may remember Rick Joyner’s book The Final Quest. That’s a wow book for me because it’s so vivid. The first part grossed me out but never-the-less, I read beyond the gross part because something about the story intrigued me. Joyner was in the spirit and shown many things. In the two other books of the series (The Call and the Torch and the Sword), the rest of the story is told. The overall gist of the books focuses on repentance, humility, and a deeper understanding and relationship with God. I had all but forgotten about the books until I began to have similar experiences. That’s when I pulled them back out and read them again with my spiritual senses rather than physical.

Learning to live “from heaven to earth” is like anything new. It takes practice. Oh, and did I say that it takes practice? The age-old teaching based on gifts has nothing to do with this principle. I never functioned in any of the spiritual gifts so there’s nothing special about what I do. I practice and practice and practice ascending and staying in the kingdom realms where I’m seeing things from a heavenly perspective rather than our normal run-of-the-mill boring life. Oh wait, and I should say overly-dramatic and often negative, too. Somehow, I managed to stay away from much of that because I always had a sense that God is good… ALL the time. No, I didn’t understand everything that happened but in most cases, I chose to see how God used a situation to help me mature. My most recent experience with that involved losing my home to the eminent domain process. That story is for another time…

Living an ascended lifestyle is simply focusing on being in the presence of God through the “come up here” principle of being with Him in the kingdom realms of heaven. Yes, there are lots of amazing things that I see but those all direct me to Him… Yahweh… God… my Creator. In that place of the ascended lifestyle, I get to know the persons of God (Yahweh), Jesus (Yeshua), and the Holy Spirit. Just like best friends, we sit and talk about many things. I watch and learn, then “do” myself. Not only do they want to get to know me but I learn about their desires, too. Friendship goes both ways. It requires two to make a relationship work. If I’m always going up saying, “God, I need this!” and never spend time getting to know Him, that’s no different than writing a check for goods. There’s no relationship involved in that at all!

How do we learn to live an ascended lifestyle? You guessed it… practice! If seeing in the spirit is difficult, go to Ian’s website (www.sonofthunder.org) and type in “I Can See” into the search bar. That’s a great teaching to get you started. It was my first introduction into learning to see with my spiritual eyes. I then added my own exercises. I journal and write what I see, hear, and sense even if it doesn’t make sense. Check it for scriptural accuracy later is my best advice. If we second guess what we’re writing, we’ll often miss the good stuff. If we ask God to give us bread, He’s not going to give us a rock. There’s no need to be concerned about deception when our hearts are pure and our goal is intimacy with Yahweh. When our eyes are on Jesus, they aren’t on the enemy. Who cares what the enemy does anyway! As they say in the book Teaching With Love and Logic, ignore the bad behavior and focus on the good. We learn best by focusing on the good things, not the bad. If there’s still concern, decree and declare a sanctified imagination and go for it!

Happy practicing!


© 2019 by Del Hungerford