NW Ekklesia Classes

Ekklesia Functions

When God looks at us, he recognizes one position. He sees His sons. When we look through our elders and back to God, we should see one position. Parents! Ekklesia first and foremost functions as family. Our brothers and sisters are held together by a bond of affection. Many times, that care for one another is stronger than the relationships we have with our biological family.

Developing Your Inner Man

The Path to Maturity

Anna has twelve videos on subjects that will help you heal, mature and find intimacy with God. Prices for those courses range from $19 to $99.

Ann Wingate

Kingdom Creativity

Kingdom Creativity includes 12 sessions that prepare the general worshiper (musician, artist, flagger, dancer, and other movement specialists) for an “ascended lifestyle of worship.” (Rev. 4:1)

Del Hungerford

Mountains, Gates, and Trading

What is Trading? What are Gates? What are Mountains? Why are they so important? We find healing, identity, and function through them. At course completion, you will have a new and healthy understanding of who you are and what your function is in the presence of God. Prices for those courses range from $19 to $99.

Sue Beckman

Governing from the Kingdom

Explore and engage with God’s government, legislation, sonship, authority and much more through teaching, activations, ascensions.

Paulette Rahn


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