What does Ekklesia look like

Ekklesia Functions

When God looks at us, he recognizes one position. He sees His sons. When we look through our elders and back to God, we should see one position. Parents! Ekklesia first and foremost functions as family. Our brothers and sisters are held together by a bond of affection. Many times, that care for one another is stronger than the relationships we have with our biological family.


“Where two or three are gathered, there I am also.” Matthew 18:20 Fellowship is agreement and communion. It holds greater power than most believers realize. Ekklesiae come together on video meetings and in person to worship, learn, ascend, perform governmental tasks, and participate in mentoring and healing. When they gather in person, many have dinner and the ritual of communion. Watch the video.

Worship — Sound & Frequency

The releasing of sound and frequencies is imperative to the manifestation of the new heaven and earth. These sounds need to be released throughout the earth. Worship through hand drums, crystal bowls, gongs, etc. may seem spontaneous, however it takes preparation of the heart and is best led through ascension. Watch the video.


All children of God create. There is a natural drive in us to function in this way. We garden, build businesses, develop new recipes, write music and books, design clothing and buildings. We paint and draw beautiful pictures, and much more. As sons of God, it’s done relationally with our creator. Creation flows more fluidly in our lives as we mature. Watch the video.

Love — Supernatural

God’s love is the door to the supernatural. Intuition, perceiving, seeing in the spirit, dreams, traveling in the spirit, teleportation, etc. are all affirmed by the presence of God’s love in your life. As intimacy with God develops these functions increase. Its why scripture says, “Seek and you shall find.” In the process a close relationship with the trinity is developed. Watch the video.

Glory — Provision

The Hebrew word, kabod, is defined as glory, honor, glorious, splendor, dignity, reputation, and reverence. However, it also has roots in abundance, riches, and provision. When we understand provision is more than a series of miracles, we are better able to receive revelation that living in His presence is staying in His glory. Our mind sets begin to change. Rather than hoping for another miracle we are watching Father for the manifestation of His glory again and again. Watch the video.

Word — Divine Health

He might make you know “that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord”. Dt 8:3. We also know that Jesus is the “word.” John 6:35 For many years it was thought that these scriptures were figurative or symbolic. They are not. They are literal. Health starts with sustenance and increases from there. When we understand in our inner man how deeply we live in Jesus, we will always be in divine health. Watch the video.

Parenting for Identity & Purpose

Ekklesia presents as family, not an organization or institution. Whether it’s called discipleship, mentoring or parenting, believers need to find their identity and purpose. First, our identity is Jesus Christ who is multifaceted. Which facet do you reflect? Second, the same answer comes about for your purpose. His business is reconciliation. It’s bringing heaven and earth back to God’s original intent. It’s the big picture. Ekklesia helps you find your identity and purpose. Watch the video.

Government & Legislation

Welcome to the family business. Government means people. God is all about people. A prime example of this is the twenty-four elders around the throne. Who are they? They are His sons. Everyone has a job in God’s government. It may be speaking decrees or helping with a heavenly court case. It may be learning to legislate or being a scribe. Everyone has an area of authority. Watch the video.

Realms & Dimensions

Enoch teaches that heaven is concentric. It’s a realm within a realm within a realm. Like Enoch and Elijah, we were not meant to be tethered to the earth. We have work to do in the galaxies, universes, and heavenlies. It takes practice with others to ascend, see in the spirit and teleport. Watch the video.

Position of Reign

We are meant to be the chancellors, judges, men in white linen and more. We are to be just like Jesus. You may have to live through pain and suffering to reflect Christ as He is. However, you will be positioned to reign. Ekklesia helps us down this final path of maturity. Watch the video.